Risk Assessment

Assess No: RA 210709016AB

Assess Date: 01/01/2017

Assessor: Matt Candy

Task/Activity/Area Assessed: Delivering / siting of mobile toilet trailers and refrigerated trailors

Hazards IdentifiedWorst Case Outcome
1. Collision with moving vehicles8
2. Being trapped against other objects by a Trailer and/or vehicle10
3. Being struck by runaway vehicle or Trailer10
4. Strains and muscular injuries5
5. Trips and Falls5
6. Chemical Contamination8
Current Control Measures in PlaceLikelihoodScoreRating
Use hazard flashers, reversing sounders, beacons and lookouts. Exclude unnecessary persons from the immediate area216Low
Use Vehicle for moving Trailer, use jacks for support and do not attempt manual movement of the unit210Low
Ensure steps and handrails are in place before entering the unit210Low
Issue Operatives with COSHH Data Sheet and relevant PPE as required. Ensure operatives are familiar with Data Sheet216Low